Rev. John Kronz (Biography)
John is a SC native from a military family. His heart was won over to Christ and the United Methodist Church by members of his local congregation when he was a child. He received a B.A. in history from Francis Marion University and his Masters in Divinity from Lutheran Southern Theological Seminary. John has served as a local pastor in two charges since 2019, and lives with his dog and two cats.
The Pastor works as worship leader, preacher, and teacher; administrative leaders; vision keeper, laity equipper and community minister.

Children & Youth Coordinator – Stephanie Cook-Smith
Ms. Stephanie grew up in Gilbert and graduated from Gilbert High School and South University. She is a mom of four children (Leann, Penelope, Bryan and Siah). If you are interested in children and youth programs at Shiloh United Methodist Church, please reach out to Stephanie at 803-586-8832 or Shiloh.youthcoordinator@gmail.com.

Choir Director – Miss Constance Flemming
Miss Constance is a native Lexingtonian, a graduate of Lexington High School and Howard University in Washington D.C with a degree in music education (vocal emphasis). She is a retired public school music teacher (35 years), and a church musician and music director. Dramatic Soprano soloist, pianist and organist for over 50 years. Proverbs 3: 5-6 is her life scripture.

Lay Leader – Donna Griffin
The lay leader represents the lay people in the congregation in working with the pastor for the mission and vision of the congregation. The lay leader works with the pastor and other leaders to launch and strengthen the ministries that build discipleship.
Church Council – Jerry Green, Chair
The function of the Church Council is to coordinate, implement, and promote the ministries of the church. The Church Council shall act on behalf of the congregation in making decisions of the Church.
Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee – Ann Milligan, Chair
The staff/pastor-parish relations committee functions somewhat like a human resources office.
Trustees – Max Young, Chair
The board of trustees is entrusted with management of the property and facilities of the congregation.
Finance – Denise Holland, Chair
The Finance committee is responsible for creating a budget for the ministry of the congregation and for developing a plan to raise adequate funds in support of the congregational needs.
Additional Committees:
Lay Member to Annual Conference – Derrell Shipes
Church Treasurer – Mike Daugherty
Nurture and Discipleship (Worship) – Nancy Young, Chair
Missions and Outreach – Ann Milligan, Chair
Witness and Evangelism – Rev. John Kronz, Chair
Recording Secretary for Church Council – Ann Milligan
Membership Secretary – Jim Potts
Financial Secretary – Jeannie Chewning
Building Committee – Open
Family Ministries Committee – Lisa Daugherty, Chair
Fundraising Committee – Gary Baker Chair
Church Safety Committee – Max Young, Chairman
Cemetery Committee – Open
Children & Youth Ministry Committee – Sherri Owings, Chair
Sunday School Coordinator – Sherri Owings
United Women In Faith – President Open
United Methodist Men – Max Young, President
Church Historian – Phil Hughes
Young Adult Rep – Margaret Frick
Tech Committee – Mary Baker, Chair